
Food Truck



Danielle and Jeremy have been entrepreneurs since the age of 22. In fact, they built their first company from the ground up and sold it to a private equity firm at 28. Coming from a family of entrepreneurs and a strong belief in small businesses, Danielle and Jeremy know a great opportunity when they see one. Shortly before moving to Maui, they switched to a plant-based diet, and the transition was hard. They found themselves eating out all the time, and couldn’t figure out how to make their favorite comfort foods vegan. After tons of research, Danielle released an e-book and got a lot of feedback, which then turned into her eco essentials brand, Earth Aloha. After finding themselves eating out at a vegan food truck 3-4x a week for a few months in a row, when the opportunity to buy the truck presented itself they jumped on it and transformed it into Earth Aloha Eats.

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